"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Waiting for Wednesday

Three more days until we get to take off Francesca's casts! After three weeks, they are getting to look pretty rough. We even had to duct tape part of it - with pink duct tape, of course!

I know she will be glad to be able to move around and get into everything again. I kind of have mixed feelings about taking them off. Once they are off, I will have to do a saline dressing on her hands and feet three times a day to make sure the skin doesn't fuse again. Yippee! I am a little nervous that I will mess it up.

Until then, Francesca has been getting quite creative in keeping herself amused. Just stick a toy in her mouth, especially one that vibrates, and she is amused for quite a while.

Having casts has not slowed her down in communicating at all. Here she is signing "more" (she wants more food of course!)

Toss tissues on her head and she is happy. She has the sweetest spirit. I wanna be like her when I grow up.

Today she figured out how to play this piano with her chin.

I can't wait to see what her hands are going to look like now. Here is a picture pre-surgery. I can't wait to be able to dress her in clothes again! (she always closes her eyes when she sees me coming with my camera)

Three more days! We are excited!!!

(It was wonderful to hear from so many of you on de-lurking day! Thank you for writing! It not only made my day, it made my year! )

1 comment:

  1. And, as usual, here I come 1 or 3 days late for the delurking day coming out party. sorry bout that. i'm lindsey, living in california with 3 girls-one bio, one from kazakhstan and one from china. we've got our share of fun appts and therapy schedules here too. not sure how i found you, but i'm glad i did. i love reading about your wonderful family. you ALL make me smile. :)


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