"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for.....my family, friends, our health, being safe, freedom, being able to actually find all five pairs of shoes today.  We are lucky indeed! 

I figured I should get in on a picture every now and then. 

We had Thanksgiving dinner at Great's place, so no cooking! Yea! But, sadly, also no leftovers.

So thankful for my wonderful mom! 

Thankful my kids have so many toys that they can make a mess in 2 seconds. 

We all waited patiently for our meal to be served.....

except for Victoria, who was trying to escape again. Luckily, the door locked, but she was pretty close to figuring out how to open it. 

Toasting our thankfulness.

Getting a tad impatient.

Sweet Anastasia.

Little Catherine kept us entertained with some enthralling stories about a vacumn cleaner. 

Victoria was rather horrified with the green bean casserole.....

......but Great loved everything. She said she was so glad her family could be all together, she didn't care what she was eating.

And Francesca really enjoyed the ice. Yea, I know, the girl who usually eats everything is going through some kind of picky phase. I'm so glad that we paid for the little ones to have a whole plate so they could turn up their noses at it. Really, I am glad, cause I ate all their food! 

"Now, wait just a minute, nobody told me they were going to have ice cream. Now, I am hungry!"

And pie, of course, always makes the world a brighter place. 

Victoria, really, really likes her ice cream. 

We took a walk to burn off all the extra calories..... 

and climbed some trees too. Who says you can't climb in a dress?

Catherine was pretty shocked to realized that today was not the day to get presents and that Christmas was still a month away. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I am so thankful to all of you!!! 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Looked like a fun time. The kids are so lucky to be able to celebrate with Mom, Grandma and Great! oh I would love that special honor! Thankfully my son has Grandma! The girls are changeing oh so much, especially Victoria in the past few weeks! It's so awesome to see your beautiful kids! xoxox Love all your posts! God Bless.

  2. I'm happy that you had such a pleasant Thanksgiving! Your children are all so pretty and Isabella is really getting tall!


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