"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunny Sunday

For all my friends up north, here's what we wore this weekend. Almost 65 on Saturday! No shoes necessary. 

Francesca brought this card to me and said "B"! (she might have been saying pee, but I'll take it.)

The girls invented a very creative game this weekend that I absolutely love. It's called "pretend you are really sick and you have to lie still."

Little Catherine, miraculously, is really, really good at this game. Anastasia told me Catherine was in a coma here. 

I may need to patent this game. I was actually was able to eat a brownie in peace, without stuffing it in my mouth while running towards the next disaster. Maybe the next game can be, "pretend you are so tired, you just can't get up for hours" game.

Big the really big weekend news was that Francesca went out to the store wearing her underwear and did NOT have an accident. We have attempted this before, always leaving puddles (clean up, aisle 7!) in our wake. This time though, she actually sat on the big toilet! This calls for a huge celebration. Maybe I will let the kids play the "go to sleep at 6 pm" adventure, but only if they are very, very good. 


  1. Yay, Francesca! Panties rock. You're so beautiful and smart, girl. We had a warmer weekend up here too; it was all the way up to 16 F (or -9 C, had to google the conversion), so much nicer than the -40 (hey, it's the same C or F) we had a couple of weeks ago. That was after wind-chill but still.

    I like the sick and sleeping game, and the "go to bed at 6 pm" one definitely sounds like a winner. We have a similar game we play here where the parent is the sick one and needs to lay on the couch with eyes closed while the children fetch medical necessities, ie piles of pillows and stuffed animals and blankets and pretend medicines, as well as perform procedures such as foot rubs. You have to be careful with our version though - last time my husband ended up being medicated with water poured from an old perfume bottle that still had remnants of perfume in it. Suddenly he was feeling much better, although the doctors were disappointed at his rapid recovery. They were just getting started in their healing efforts.

  2. Yay! Way to go, Francesca! Love the games, might try them here.

  3. Amazing adventures and we celebrate each success! My kids never found that game sadly-you really should try to sell it!


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