"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Not Martha Stewart

Isabella turned the big 11 yesterday. We started the day by having delicious cardboard pizza with a creepy looking mouse at Chuck-e-Cheese. I also paid $25 for tickets that earned us three tiny plastic toys.

Since I made little Catherine a fire truck cake back in August, Isabella must have thought I knew what I was doing, so she requested a butterfly cake. How hard could it be? I even watched a video (at least 10 times) of how to make a butterfly cake. The woman in the video made it look so easy. But once I started cutting the cake up, it became painfully obvious that my cake did not resemble any type of winged insect.

Isabella was very kind. "Part of it kind of looks like a wing, Mom." she told me.

Luckily, you can always fix things with lots and lots of icing! What do you all think?

For her special dinner, Isabella asked for spaghetti AND meatballs. Like eating with the mouse wasn't punishment enough for me. Why do so many festivities involve me cooking!!!!!

Happy Birthday Isabella!


  1. ~*Happy Birthday*~ Beautiful girl! (I mean, young lady!) May the Lord bless you continually throughout this next year and may your Mother continue to bend in ways she doesn't really like to make her children's birthdays oh, so special! (~Hugs~ Its a beautiful butterfly!)

  2. Martha Stewart is an ex-convict. No worries about not being her. Looks like you did a fine job to me...far better than I would have done...or even attempted.

  3. Diana's comment has me hysterical re: Martha!!! TOO FUNNY!
    Happy Birthaday Isabella. And Mom you did a great job on the butterfly cake! Seriously, Looks fab!

  4. I think your butterfly cake was lovely! We made a cake one year that Anna just loved. Her little friend took one bite and said, "YUCK, this tastes awful!" LOL Now they bake their own cakes. :)

  5. Happy Birthday :) Great job on the cake!!

  6. Happy Birthday Isabella!!!

    Sorry about the bad pizza with the creepy mouse. Our creepy mouse has great pizza. I'm sure that's how they lure the parents in..

  7. You made that cake? I'm impressed! Well done my friend! I'll email you soon!


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