"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Computer Woes Continue

This is Catherine's friend Carol again. Poor Catherine is still computer-less but the end is in sight! She's had to buy a new computer and the Geek Squad is in the process of transferring all her data off her net book onto her new computer. Cross your fingers and toes that she's back entertaining us with her blog in short order!!


  1. We are having withdrawal here! We need those posts that make us laugh because they are so real and true! Praying for the Geek Squad to use their talents well and quickly!

  2. We miss you and your great family stories. Oh, and the priceless photos of all your cuties!

  3. I second the withdrawal! Come back soon!

  4. I agree, I hate seeing no updates from my favorite blog, I need my unique daily dose of kindness and goodness, chaos and humor :) Hurry up Geek Squad!

  5. Okay, I think you got the Greek Squad instead of the Geek Squad and your computer was sent to Athens. We miss you!

  6. I didn't realize how much I miss this blog...COME ON geeksquad, hurry up!


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