"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters
compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, July 22, 2011

Another Wild Friday Night

Well, it's 8:30 at night and I can barely hold up head up. I just had to write to say thank you, thank you, thank you a million times for all the comments and advice and caring! Thank you to my wonderful mom and dad. Thank you for all the wonderful food and for the compassionate phone calls. Thank you for taking my kids and letting me have some time alone! Thank you for staying with Victoria at the hospital. Thank you for listening to me whine! Thank you for all the prayers!

Do you know some wonderful people pitched in and sent me an Ergo! They lost it at the hospital, but Elissa took the time to call the hosptial and I got it yesterday! Several children have sent me wonderful cards. One said, "Do not be terrified, God is with you". Someone sent me adorable outfits, books, and toys for the girls! Without all of you I wouldn't be keeping my head up at all. I would be sinking fast, right down to the bottom! You all are my heroes!
(I have many more pictures of wonderful people to post, but I can't seem to find them, please forgive me!)

My friend, Jen!

I was quite proud of myself today tough. No one would nap, so I took the five girls to the library and to get Chick-fil-A ice cream all by myself. Francesca loved her cone, but sadly, it fell on the floor. Victoria saw a balloon and went crazy. I have never seen her so excited. Of course, I yanked the string off the hook and took it home with us. It's attached to her high chair. If I say, "Where's the balloon?", I swear, that smart child looks up at the yellow balloon!

I had to pay a $40 fine because when I was in the Ukraine, several of the library books were lost, but hey, at least I managed to check out twenty-five books and lug them home!

As soon as we were home, Anastasia demanded to know what we were going to do that was fun for the rest of the day.
I said, "Our fun time is going to consist of eating warmed up nuggets for dinner and folding towels!" Yipee!

Gotta go get ready for bed! Actually, the bathroom floor is looking pretty comfie right now.....ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz......


  1. It all seems like perfect chaos :)

    I know it isn't easy, but you make it look beautiful.

    Brooke Annessa

  2. I think I need to come hang out at your house. Even on bad days, it looks like a fun place to be. :)

  3. I'm so happy you got help. I'm so happy you were able to get out of the hospital and home. Your kids are so loved. I love it. Thank you for all that you do! You are one of my HEROES!

  4. Your posts always crack me up! Francesca is screaming in nearly every pic and your mini blinds look like mine! Your chaos is my house exactly and sorry to say it but I'm GLAD I'm not the only one!!!

  5. Chaos in a family is better than a perfectly ordered orphanage any day...

    We did chik-fil-a yesterday too!!


  6. So, how is your hubby doing? You're always speaking in first person, so I don't know how you guys are doing as a family. :)
    I remember so well those first few months post-adoption. Boy those hard times strengthened our marriage like nothing else. Praise God for His precious promises: the testing of our faith produces endurance. (James 1) Amen to that! ha!


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